About Us

Farmers Hub is your go-to destination for fresh products sourced directly from local farmers and suppliers. It’s like shopping at a farm gate or farmers’ markets, but even more convenient.

Here’s how buying through Farmer’s Hub makes a difference:

* Fair Prices for Farmers: We work directly with farmers, ensuring they receive more income.
* Fresher, Healthier Produce: Enjoy produce delivered days sooner with fewer food miles.
* Reducing Food Waste: We tackle food waste, which accounts for an astonishing one-third of all food produced – a symptom of a broken food system.

Supporting Local Farmers

Every dollar supports local farmers and suppliers. In the shops as little as 19 cents in a dollar is paid to farmers who could be anywhere.


Our products are supplied direct. Just picked fruit and vegetables are at the peak of nutritional value and last longer. In the shops they go through distribution centres and wholesale markets. These delays mean they lose up to 77% of the key vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help improve overall health and prevent chronic diseases.


Central distribution means fresh food is transported hundreds of kilometres, through wholesale markets and distribution centres even when consumed locally. Moving food around accounts for 6% of global emissions and an alarming one-third of all food produced goes to waste. Sourcing directly from local farmers is more efficient and sustainable, reducing food miles and stopping food waste.

Convenience Stores

We make it easy for high traffic retailers to support local farmers. High volume retailers simply allocate shelf space to products sourced from local farmers and suppliers. Our Farmers Hub technology platform takes care of stocking shelves (packaged correctly), and promoting local farmers. All the store has to do is serve customers.